Scroll down to see all therapists and their availability. Click on a picture to read bio, check fee and/ or request an appointment. Apart from face to face consultations, Skype/Zoom/ video consultations are also available nationwide. They have proven to be a very effective medium for sex therapy and are approved by our professional bodies. The fee quoted is for a 50-minute session. Once made, appointments not kept or cancelled with less than 24 hours’ notice will be charged. Click here to read about the online safety measures. Click here to read the Frequently Asked Questions.
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Available Therapists
Melisa Cane- Franzetti Auckland, Parnell Currently available: Yes |
Pragnya Indugula Australasia Currently available: Yes |
Karen Macpherson Wellington, Whitby Currently available: Yes |
Vicki Murray Gisborne, Hawke's Bay Currently available: Yes |
Mr Sid Naidu Manawatu, Wellington Currently available: Yes |
Phoenix Norden Auckland Currently available: Yes |
Debbie Penlington Bay of Plenty Currently available: Yes |
Dr Catherine Whitehouse Hawke's Bay Currently available: Yes |
Currently Unavailable Therapists
Paula Dennan Auckland, Parnell Currently available: No |
Tanya Furstenburg Bay of Plenty Currently available: No |
Katie Hayden Auckland Currently available: No |
Helen Mounsey Christchurch, Spreydon Currently available: No |
Lisa Phelan Christchurch, Riccartan Currently available: No |
Dr Juliette Troy Waikato Currently available: No |
Ria Tsai Auckland Currently available: No |
Dr Allyson Waite Auckland, Parnell Currently available: No |
Emily West Auckland, Northshore Currently available: No |